In conjunction with World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd, the idea of conducting a survey on the opinions of writers, journalists, and media professionals about the level of freedom of expression in the Kingdom of Bahrain for the year 2019 arose. The study aims to achieve the following:

  • Understand the opinions of journalists, writers, and media professionals about the level of media freedoms in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
    Assess the government’s commitment to implementing laws related to media freedoms.
  • Examine attempts to influence the writings and positions of journalists, writers, and media professionals.
  • Investigate the extent of journalists and writers being detained or facing penalties related to journalistic and media work.
  • Assess the presence of self-censorship among journalists, writers, and media professionals.
  • Evaluate the commitment of Bahraini media professionals to credibility in conveying information.
  • Measure the opinions of journalists, writers, and media professionals regarding the government’s seriousness in building a free media.

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